QSR: Where Growth Meets Value

There are two optimal actions in a cyclical bear market… Hide from the volatility with an elevated cash position until there’s clear evidence of a market bottom, or find stocks that are cheap enough and are paying one to wait to justify putting hard-earned capital at risk. The problem? There is a dearth of these…

BURL: A Trade-Down Beneficiary

One of the most successful investment strategies is to buy great businesses at a deep discount to fair value, but it’s often much easier said than done. From an emotional standpoint, investors must often buy when the headlines are the worst and plug their noses to the stench of rotten earnings revisions. From an application…

Retail Stock Undervalued By 35%

Bottom-fishing for exceptional businesses is a great strategy if done carefully, but there is a less popular strategy that also works great. Trend followers employ this strategy, and its goal is to buy stocks that are making new highs – especially during bear markets. The rationale behind this strategy is that if a stock can…