MarketClub’s Trade Triangles

Know exactly when to get in and out of the market! Our complex analysis hides behind easy-to-use, easy-to-understand signals – giving you the answers to make confident investment decisions. Instead of finding just one trend, we confirm trends for multiple time periods to put the mathematical odds in your favor that you will be on the winning side…

MarketClub’s Trade Alerts

Never miss a move for any portfolio symbol. You can set email Alerts to notify you of net changes, new highs and lows, changes in Chart Analysis Score, breakouts, and when our proprietary Trade Triangles have been issued for one or all of the symbols that you’ve added to your portfolio. How do I add…

MarketClub’s Trade School

Trade School is your personal trading university where you set the curriculum with some of the most well-known professional traders in the world. These audio (MP3) seminars and PDF workbooks will have you following along with trading greats like Linda Raschke, Mark Cook, and Chuck LeBeau. These seminars cover various trading techniques and information on…

MarketClub’s Data Central

Our Data Central tool allows members to access downloadable historical data. If you have a special trading program, spreadsheet, or back-testing program, you can access historical data in comma-delimited, tab-delimited, or MetaStock format. We carry this information in several time intervals on most of the symbols we cover. Traders that need end-of-day data can use…

Chart Analysis Scores

Here’s a breakdown of our Chart Analysis Scores. New 1 Week High: These are charts making new one week highs. New 1 Week Low: These are charts making new one week lows. New 3 Week High: These are charts making new three week highs. New 3 Week Low: These are charts making new three week…

MarketClub’s Top Markets Lists

MarketClub has created an easy way to find new trading opportunities. Using proprietary Trade Triangle and Smart Scan technology, members can quickly use the Top Markets shortcut links found on the MarketClub homepage. See lists of the top-ranked stocks, penny stocks, ETFs, forex pairs, and futures contracts, based on MarketClub’s trading technology. Top Markets List…

MarketClub’s Smart Scan

Quickly find winning trades in any market. MarketClub’s Smart Scan will help you quickly find winning trades in all the markets we cover. Our technology scans the market and highlights solid trades that match your trading style and preferences. Since every trader is different, we provide scans for 24 different charting patterns. This allows traders…

MarketClub’s Portfolio Manager

Stay organized and see analysis for your entire portfolio in a glance. View your portfolio, quickly see scores, and create watch lists with our drag-and-drop Portfolio Manager. Since MarketClub’s tools can be used for stocks, futures, Forex, mutual funds, and ETFs, you can see your diverse portfolio holdings in one glance. How do I add…