Risk and returns are inversely correlated. It’s a truth that all investors have to manage in their portfolios. The lower the risk, the fewer returns you can expect. Generally, the higher risk, the higher expected returns. But having at least one speculative or aggressive stock holding in your portfolio can help keep it diversified, while…
Tag: reit
Best-in-Class REIT with Stellar Growth
When we talk about what makes for a great defensive stock portfolio addition, it’s hard to argue against high-yielding dividend payers. And there’s generally no better place to look for high-yielding dividend payers than real estate – REITs, to be specific. When investors think of real estate, they usually reference the housing market or rental…
Opportunity Knocks for This High-Yield Dividend Payer
When markets turn volatile and uncertainty reigns supreme, investors look for safety in defensive stocks that generate stable returns through dividends. When it comes to steady dividends, it’s hard to beat a REIT. A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) must distribute at least 90% of its earnings back to investors through dividend payments. With this…
Safe Stock Play for Trade Tariff Troubles
The markets have reacted wildly on the back of Trump’s trade war threat with the averages dropping fast and then regaining ground just as quickly. With all the increased volatility being added to the markets right now, investors looking for a safe haven need look no further for protection than this REIT. For one US-based…