Hottest Stocks for June 2020

The markets continue to climb despite unrest in the streets of major U.S. cities, continued trade tension between the U.S. and China, further spread of COVID-19, and historic unemployment claims, among other issues. Some analysts and high-level corporate executives, like Manolo Falco of Citigroup(C), believe that the markets will adjust to the reality of the…

Best Aerospace ETFs

Wednesday, May 27, 2020, was set to be a historic day. Two U.S. astronauts were booked for a ride to the International Space Station. Their ride was the first commercial spacecraft built by SpaceX. It has been close to 20 years since Americans launched a U.S.-built aircraft into orbit. Unfortunately, the launch was scrubbed due…

Top Consumer Staple Stock for a Stable Portfolio

Regardless of whether you’re a conservative, income-oriented investor or an aggressive, growth stock champion, a well-diversified portfolio needs a solid large-cap stock keeping it grounded and stable. In light of the coronavirus outbreak, having a solid large-cap performer is an essential addition to any investor’s portfolio. This consumer staples company not only minimizes portfolio volatility,…

How To Prepare For A Recession

If the past couple of months have taught us anything, it’s that economic downturns can happen at any time. There aren’t always warning signs of a bear market – a black swan event like COVID-19 can quickly derail a booming economy. An unexpected event like what we’ve experienced in 2020 can spell disaster for an…

Top Stocks for May 2020

Given the headlines that circulated in April, it’s hard to believe that the Nasdaq finished up more than 12% with the Dow Jones Industrial Average following closely with an 11% gain. However, mixed earnings results for the most heavily-weighted companies in these indices may halt upward traction. Heavy hitters, 3M Co. (MMM), Caterpillar Inc. (CAT),…